About us

Piel Ferry is a 12 passenger foot ferry that runs daily, if the weather and tide permit, between Roa Island and Piel Island in South Cumbria. We also take people on short organised trips to see the seal colony and the birds at South Walney. Please access our booking platform at Seal Trip – Booking by Bookwhen to book trips. For up to date information regarding the service times and weather conditions call us on +447798794550 or email: pielferry@outlook.com

Seal/Bird watching trips

We run trips aboard our specialised boat , Nomad, out to the seal and bird colony at the South end of Walney Island. The grey seals haul out onto the shingle beach, and we respectfully pass them on our trips adhering to the marine and coastal wildlife code. Marine and coastal wildlife code – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Piel Island

Piel Island is owned by Barrow Borough Council, as it was given to the town in 1920 as memorial to those who lost their lives in the First World War.

Piel is approximately 50 acres in size, and can be accessed by the passenger ferry from Roa Island, or by using a guide to walk across the sand at low tide from South Walney.

There is a ruined 14th century castle which is looked after by English Heritage Piel Castle | English Heritage (english-heritage.org.uk) Entry is free and it is a great place for children and adults to let their imagination run free.

There is a pebble beach which offers views (binoculars needed) over to the seal colony on Walney, and beyond Walney to the huge windfarms in the Irish Sea. It is a great picnic spot, and fun to beachcomb the tideline.

There is a pub on the island called the Ship Inn. The landlord, Aaron Sanderson is known as the King of Piel. When ascending to the throne, there is a ritualistic ceremony, ‘the crowning’ involving lots of alcohol and merriment. Find out more about the pub here: Ship Inn, Piel Island

The views from the pub across Morecambe Bay are fantastic, Black Combe, Coniston Old Man, Dow Crag, Wetherlam, the Howgills, Ingleborough, Blackpool Tower are all visible at certain times.

People love to camp on Piel, the night sky is amazing as there is little man made light. A barn owl is often seen hunting on the island.

There are public toilets on Piel.